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about us

Based in Princeton, New Jersey, Adventive IDEAS develops and markets our products primarily via our direct import program and in 2013, we will be again be carrying some domestic US inventory of our enhanced ActiVHeat heated clothing line. We also sell very limited quantities through the websites www.activheat.com and solascape.com.

Working closely with retailers and OEM clients, we tailor our offering to meet the needs of each client’s customer type and budget.

Adventive IDEAS is growing rapidly and is constantly developing new and innovative products. Adventive IDEAS products are now available through a variety of retail chains, specialty stores, catalogs, and website retailers throughout the US.

We are currently seeking selected new channels of distribution so if you do not see Adventive IDEAS products at your favorite store, please ask them to

contact us.

Prior to founding Adventive IDEAS, Mr. Richmond was head of New Product Development and a Director of HPM Industries, a large Australian electrical and electronics manufacturer of wiring devices, home automation systems, lighting, consumer electronics and electrical products.

Mr. Richmond is a former director of The Australian Electrical and Electronics Manufacturer’s Association, received his Bachelor of Commerce from the University of New South Wales in 1990 and his MBA (with Distinction) from New York University in 1996. Previously, Mr. Richmond has worked as a management consultant for A.T. Kearney consulting to Fortune 500 companies and also at Arthur Andersen as a corporate recovery specialist.

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ContactSimon Richmond - President

Simon Richmond



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Solar Light Color BoxActiVHeat Heated VestSolar Hummingbird Feeders