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solar news

News about Adventive IDEAS.

Solar Garden Lighting Patent lawsuit settled - IDC (Westinghouse Solar Lighting) licenses Adventive IDEAS’ color-changing solar light patents.

PRINCETON , New Jersey, USAApril 14, 2011 -- Adventive IDEAS LLC announced today that it has settled a long-running lawsuit with International Development LLC (IDC) over the use of Adventive’s color-changing solar garden light patent portfolio. The confidential settlement was reached just prior to a jury trial. As part of the settlement, IDC has entered into a non-exclusive license agreement and agreed to make payments related to Adventive color-changing solar light utility patents.

Since 2008, Adventive IDEAS and IDC were involved in lawsuits that included allegations that IDC infringed Adventive’s patents. Adventive claimed that IDC’s Westinghouse-branded solar lights infringed two Adventive patents directed to color-changing solar garden lights (U.S. Patent Nos. 7,196,477 and 7,429,827).

Further, a U.S. Federal Court has entered a Consent Judgment for this matter wherein IDC has agreed that these patents are valid and enforceable.

"We are pleased to announce that through this settlement, the parties have been able to resolve their differences”, Simon Richmond, President of Adventive IDEAS noted. “This represents the ongoing commitment of our long term intellectual property strategic development program, continues to strengthen our growing patent positions and also demonstrates recognition of our dedication to innovation”. The patents relate to our current color changing solar-powered lights, and to a new range of color changing solar garden lights that will be launched at the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The patent number 7,967,465 is for a solar-powered “Light Device” with an integrated “try me” packaging.  It further enhances promoting of Adventive IDEAS’s innovative series of patented solar color changing path lights. This patent is the most recent addition to the company’s expanding portfolio of intellectual property. A further continuation-in-part patent application for this technology is still pending.

"We are very pleased to announce that multiple claims related to this patent have been accepted by the US Patent Office”, Simon Richmond, President of Adventive IDEAS noted. “This represents the ongoing patent issuance within our long term intellectual property strategic development program. This patent award also demonstrates our dedication to our innovation. It applies to several of our current solar powered lights, and to a new range of solar lights that was launched in May at the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, Nevada”.



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